College Students And Criminal Charges

Serious penalties are possible when college students are facing criminal charges. It is possible that there will be criminal consequences and their educational goals can be impacted as well. Building a strong defense as soon as possible could lead to better outcomes. If you are a student who was recently arrested or are the parent of a university attendee facing criminal charges, discuss your situation with a lawyer as soon as possible.
A seasoned Clearwater criminal defense lawyer is familiar with building a defense against criminal charges and understands how they affect a college student’s future. Once you hire an attorney, they will carefully assess your case, determine if a plea deal is possible, and determine if having the charges dismissed could be an option. There are also court alternative programs and other avenues to resolution that could be explored.
Talk to a Lawyer Before Accepting a Pre-Trial Diversion
College students who are first-time offenders are often offered pre-trial diversion. Essentially, this is a situation in which you pay fees, enroll in a counseling program, and perform community service hours in order to have your charges dismissed.
While pretrial diversion agreements can be an attractive option in some circumstances, talking with a lawyer first is advised. Once your attorney reviews the case, they may find another path to having charges dismissed, avenues that could lead to faster results and are more closely aligned with your ideal resolution to a stressful event. Other dismissal options could be completed quickly, for example, which may not be true with a pre-trial diversion as these programs can take many months to process.
Common Criminal Charges for College Students
While university students can be charged with a wide array of crimes, the most common are the following:
- Drinking alcohol while underage
- Possession of a fake ID
- Operating a vehicle under the influence
- Drug possession
- Resisting arrest
Attorneys who have worked on college student cases before know how to handle university arrest cases. They acknowledge that it is a priority of young adults to have clear records. After all, criminal convictions could arise in future background checks, which could interfere with a college student’s financial aid and eligibility for internships and study abroad opportunities.
If you are a student facing legal charges, protect your educational future and your career prospects, talk to a Clearwater criminal defense lawyer. You need an attorney who is familiar with Florida law, dismissals, plea deals, and how to protect your freedoms.
Have you been arrested while attending college in the Clearwater area? Do not agree to a resolution before fully understanding what options are possible. Reach out and share your story with the legal team at King Law Group. Because our attorneys are familiar with college student cases, we can help. Through discussions with our attorneys, you will learn all of the different routes to having your case dismissed, if possible. Additionally, when a dismissal isn’t possible, we know how to pursue penalty reductions. To learn more, schedule your free consultation today.