Monthly Archives: March 2023

Why You Need An Attorney After A Florida Probation Violation
Serious consequences are possible when a person violates their probation. For example, your probation could be revoked or the probation terms could be extended. If you have been accused of a Florida probation violation, or suspect you will be soon, connect with a legal professional who can fully explain the situation ahead and represent… Read More »

Consequences For Florida DUIs And How A Clearwater DUI Attorney Can Help
Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious crime in the state of Florida. Individuals who are caught operating a vehicle while impaired, by either alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both, face a range of consequences, including fines, jail time, and a criminal record. Plus, many find that DUI convictions have long-lasting impacts… Read More »

What Are Miranda Rights And How Can Defense Attorneys Help
Miranda rights are designed to protect your rights and the rights of individuals throughout the United States. Law enforcement must inform individuals of these rights if they are being questioned or are in police custody. Miranda rights protect your Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination and your Sixth Amendment right to legal counsel. If you… Read More »

Proffer Sessions And Your Defense
In legal discussions a proffer is a word that means an offer is being made, typically in connection with evidence gathered. So, if you have been accused of a crime and your attorney discovers evidence that could be offered in exchange for having charges against you reduced or dropped, your attorney may recommend a… Read More »

Facing A Stalking Accusation
In recent years, stalking accusations and domestic violence charges are being taken more seriously. Unfortunately, there were cases in years past when victims were not listened to or were accused of exaggerating their situation. Today, the claims are investigated thoroughly and convicted individuals face incarceration and other consequences. If you have been accused of… Read More »