Facing Domestic Battery Charges In Florida

Florida’s definition of domestic violence is very broad, encompassing any “criminal offense which results in physical injury or death” to a family or household member, perpetrated by another family or household member. However, the most common charge that falls under domestic violence is known as domestic battery. If you have been charged, it is crucial that you take such a charge seriously.
A Very Wide Definition
Most people think of domestic violence charges as any kind of physical altercation between spouses. In Florida, domestic violence refers to any household member residing together. Domestic battery is defined as the intentional touching or striking of another individual (who resides with the perpetrator). Usually, it is charged as a first-degree misdemeanor, unless it causes great bodily harm or is done by strangulation. Once more severe physical harm is introduced into the situation, the punishment for domestic battery can be a third-degree felony, carrying a potential sentence of up to 5 years in prison.
Defenses Exist
Potential jail time is not the only punishment that may be imposed to someone convicted of domestic battery. Individuals will be required to complete a Batterers’ Intervention Program, which is an intense anger management program, at their own expense. Additionally, an individual will lose the right to have a concealed carry permit, and will be unable to seal or expunge the conviction.
If you have been charged with domestic battery, there are ways a skilled Clearwater criminal defense attorney at King Law Group may be able to defend you. It may be possible to challenge certain facts about the alleged incident or even establish that the alleged victim had a malicious motive for calling law enforcement. In some cases, defenses such as self-defense or defense of others may be appropriate. Each case is different so hiring an experienced Clearwater criminal defense attorney at King Law Group is extremely important in order to help you navigate the legal process.
Contact A Clearwater Domestic Violence Defense Attorney
Crimes of domestic violence are taken very seriously in Florida, and if you have been charged with domestic battery, it should not be taken lightly. You deserve to have a Clearwater domestic violence defense attorney on your side to ensure your rights are protected during the legal process – the King Law Group has handled these cases before, and is ready and willing to assist you. Contact our offices today for a free consultation.